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ATDChi Executive Committee Position Descriptions

Executive Committee of the Board of Directors are elected by the chapter members and serve a fifteen-month term. The President-Elect serves one-year in that position, then one-year as President, and 15 months as Past-President.

The ATDChi Constitution establishes the responsibilities of these positions.  If you would like to serve ATDChi as a member of the Executive Board in the future, start by Volunteering to serve on a committee, task-force, or for one-time events. 

Executive Board Position

(not all inclusive; represents major responsibilities)

Commitment / Approx. Time
Per Month


  • Performs all the duties of the President in the absence of the President. 
  • Other duties as assigned by the President.
  • Assumes the President’s responsibilities if the President is unable to serve. 
  • The President-elect automatically becomes the chapter’s President in the following year.

Note:  To apply for President-elect, you must have served on the board, currently or previously.

39 months/
20 – 40 hrs per mo

Vice-President of Membership

  • Develops strategies to increase and retain membership. 
  • Periodically assesses chapter members’ needs and satisfaction levels, recommending appropriate changes.
  • Invites chapter members to participate fully in the chapter.
  • Annually, or more frequently, surveys membership about their needs and chapter services.
  • Provides leadership and support for director-level positions associated with membership functions and as assigned by the President.

15 months/
15 – 20 hrs per mo

Vice-President of Programming

  • Working with the President, President-Elect and other chapter VPs, determines the chapter’s programming focus.
  • Identifies topics and speakers for chapter programming events.
  • Aligns topics with ATD’s Competency Model to ensure cohesiveness.
  • Plans, coordinates and oversees all chapter programming events.
  • Negotiates contracts with external speakers and meeting venues. 
  • Provides leadership and support for director-level positions associated with programming and as assigned by the President.

15 months /
15 – 20 hours

Vice-President of
Marketing & Communications

  • Serves as the official correspondent of the chapter. 
  • Records and disseminates accurate notes and attendance at all board of director’s meetings.
  • With the VP Marketing, oversees the chapter website content.
  • With the VP Finance, oversees legal business of the chapter.
  • Provides leadership support for director-level positions associated with the communications functions of the chapter and as assigned by the President.
  • Provides leadership support for director-level positions associated with the communications and marketing functions of the chapter and as assigned by the President.
  • Develops overall marketing plan for chapter and for its various programs and activities.

15 month /
15 – 20 hrs per mo

Vice-President Finance

  • Working with the chapter’s bookkeeper, maintains the chapters’ books, including the receipt, disbursement and maintenance of all chapter monies. 
  • Analyses and reports the chapter’s financial condition at board meetings.
  • With the chapter's virtual assistant and president oversees legal business of the chapter.
  • Provides leadership and support for director-level positions associated with the finance function and as assigned by the President.

15 months /
15 – 20 hrs per mo

What You Can Expect from Us…

Board members are typically highly motivated, energized and passionate individuals who want to contribute to the talent development profession as well as to ATDChi. ATDChi helps to provide you with opportunities to expand your horizons and give back to your peers.
You can expect to receive on-boarding assistance to help you navigate your first months as a board member.  You can also expect to receive training and mentoring from the incumbent board member, if available.  Lastly, incumbent board members are expected to keep and update their position file to transfer to you upon election.
You will learn; more importantly, you will have fun. You are NEVER alone through this journey!

What We Expect from You…

The following is a partial list of expectations for all individual board members:

  • Be an ATDChi Power Member, i.e., member of both ATDChi & ATD (Note: ATDChi board members get a discounted ATD membership fee.)
  • Attend Board Meetings (in person or virtually) and notify the President if not able to attend
  • Provide information to the entire board on activities in their area of responsibility
  • Document their activities, processes and resources for future board use
  • Attend ATDChi events to the greatest extent possible (board members get a reduced event registration fee)
  • Contribute to board activities as an active team member
  • Review chapter financial reports monthly and verify expenses and income are properly included for your area responsibility and are correct and in accordance with the approved annual chapter budget
  • Submit expense reports and income received within 30 days
  • Identify people who can take your position in the future
  • Assist the Director of Volunteers to recruit and manage volunteers
  • Monitor the website and any pages related to their area of responsibility
  • Read ATDChi publications:  Training Today, Chatter, and chapter emails

If you would like to serve ATDChi as a member of the Executive Board in the future, start by Volunteering


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