Online, advance registration closes soon for the 2017 Chicago eLearning & Technology Showcase. Don't miss your chance to attend this year's event!
The full-day conference will begin with a keynote session by Connie Malamed, the eLearning Coach. Then, you can choose from 22 breakout sessions presented by 38 speakers in 4 time slots. You'll return to work with inspiration and new skills to make your eLearning projects more effective.
You're also invited to a special after-party to help us celebrate the 10th anniversary of the Showcase. After the conference, stay to network with other industry professionals, play trivia hosted by ComedySportz, and enter a special prize drawing. Appetizers are included, and a cash bar is available.
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Registration Deadlines
· Tuesday, August 8: Deadline for registering to have your specific lunch order guaranteed; if you have any special dietary requirements, please register by August 8.
· Sunday, August 13: Deadline for advance, online registration
· Tuesday, August 15: Onsite registration for a limited number of people available at the event; onsite registrants cannot be guaranteed a lunch.
If you register onsite, you may need to purchase a lunch from the café at the conference center.
Reserve your seat today for the conference, the after-party, or both.Register now!
We can't wait to see you on August 15 at the NIU Naperville Conference Center.