New President-Elect Anthony Dudek, CPLP
I am happy to announce that at the July 6, 2017 ATDChi board meeting, we unanimously elected Anthony Dudek, CPLP to fill the vacant position pf 2016 President-Elect. Anthony will serve as ATDChi’s 2017 President. Anthony had been serving as ATDChi’s Representative to the Alliance of HR Organizations.
Watch for the next Chatter newsletter to learn more information about Anthony.
Is an ATDChi Board of Directors position right for you?
ATDChi is approaching its annual elections. A nominations committee is forming to identify and recruit members to serve in the positions of President-Elect, VP of Membership, VP of Programming, VP of Marketing and VP of Finance to lead the 2018 Board of Directors.
ATDChi is only able to operate through the efforts of a dedicated member volunteers. ATDChi members give back to the TD profession with many different commitments. Some of you give time to support single events; others work on teams and task forces working on a single project. A small number commit to give their time to the chapter for a whole year as directors in charge of various functions. The elected board makes the greatest commitment of time and effort. I hope you will think about being part of the ATDChi team at one of these levels.
I have served in all these capacities at first working on a task force to have ATDChi perform community service and now serving as president
What’s in it for you? I can report that you get to meeting and working with a wide range of TD professionals who serve in many different roles in our industry. I have worked with volunteers who are full-time employees and as independent consultants. I have served with TD managers, instructional designers, instructors, e-learning developers and others cover the full range of the ATD Areas of Expertise. Working with these people served as a super-networking opportunity.
I also gained skills beyond my current role. I had the opportunity join teams of TD professionals who assisted me to gain skills in many different areas and who served as coaches and mentors. I also met and worked with TD professionals serving on ATD chapters throughout the US.
However, the greatest payback has been the knowledge that I was advancing, building and connecting the TD profession and community in Chicagoland.
I hope you will consider joining us in a small or large capacity, including considering running for n elected position. If you are interested, you should come to an ATDChi event; come to our mega-networking event on July 20th at one of our four locations. You can meet and ask your fellow members about their experiences serving ATDChi.
Of course you can contact me or any of the other board members; you will find their contact information at on the Board of Director’s Page.